The second working bee day has been managed thanks to Casa netural: hands, minds and tools at work for the garden at L’Albero. Do you know Casa netural? Casa netural was born as a co-working space and I saw it growing exponentially, becoming a business incubator, co-living space and in general a landmark for those […]
I watched this video during the Waste Reduction Day of the last 9th of april. I love it so much and now I want to say something about that, because I really care about this issue. Recycling is something that we all should do everyday – and not only during this particular celebration – with […]
Matera is a city rich of valuable artisans and innovative activities about the environment. I’ve noticed this beautiful energy right away and I couldn’t resist to the temptation of embody it in purpose-made events. So it was born the Working Bee Days at L’Albero di Eliana. What is it about? You just have to put […]